Mundfish, a Russian studio, quickly issued an official response on Telegram saying that the development of Atomic Heart never stopped. They didn’t outright deny the delay rumor, though that appears to be the implication here. Atomic Heart is currently scheduled to hit PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5 in the last quarter of this year. The game will be available on day one to Game Pass subscribers. Check out our latest interview with Mundfish from a few months ago. Robots designed to help humans have rebelled against their creators. Secret experiments have led to the emergence of terrifying mutants. Giant machines and bloodthirsty creatures are just a few of the obstacles that stand between you and the completion of your secret mission. You’ll have to do your homework and study every deadly foe to avoid becoming their victims. Prepare for the fight of your life. Choose optimal tactics for each unique opponent and use everything you can get your hands on, from the special abilities provided by your combat glove to heavy weapons of mass destruction. Combine defensive and offensive skills, interact with your environment, and keep an eye on the enemy to ensure victory. With a wide range of upgrades for all firearms and melee weapons, you can crush anyone who stands in your way. Get ready — this is going to hurt!

Atomic Heart Features

Gorgeous, hyper-realistic graphics in a retro-futuristic style created with the latest visual technologies The mysterious alternate-world Soviet setting fully immerses you in the dystopian atmosphere Unique combined combat system with elements of Souls-Like games: Use two weapons simultaneously: a glove with multiple skills and various weapon sets, Combine melee attacks and ranged weapons in combat, Interact with the world around you during battle. The weapon crafting and modification system allows you to apply a wide variety of upgrades and mods to your arsenal. Secret military dungeons and labs filled with puzzles, traps, and other obstacles. Dangerous enemies with varied behaviors, designs, and features that will put your skills to the test A gripping story, strong characters, and an intriguing mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 98Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 75Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 82Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 4Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 52Atomic Heart Developer Seems to Deny Rumors of Game s Delay Into Q1 2023 - 82